Friday, September 29, 2000

Disaster of catalystic sizes!!

Our Internet connection just totally completely died for about 10mins. I'm now on hold to UU-Net to try and find out what happened. Been on hold waiting to speak to SOMEONE for 14mins now.
Hmmm. Not sure if all is working well. I now have the new switch inplace, have removed the two hubs (one 16prt and one min-hub 8prt). Internal stuff seems better, not sure about the Internet though. Hopefully that is just maxing the line out. Please please please be maxing the line out.
Right, new switch all installed. Hopefully the network will start to work again now!

My new switch has just been dlivered. All excited now!
Still no delivery yet.
Doom! Doooom! Doooooooooom!!

Ok so maybe that was a bit over dramatic, but it is a trauma. I am supposed to be having a 3Com SuperStack II 3300 Switch delivered today, and I requested 10am delivery so I could get the bugger in. I phone the supplier at 10.05 to see if it was shipped yesterday. It was - but not on a 10am delivery. I wasn't impressed.

Wednesday, September 27, 2000

I'm on hold to Dell to try and track down my engineer who should have been here an hour ago. Well actually he was, he got turned away by reception for some unknown reason!!
Oooh look at me and my first blog!