Friday, December 15, 2000

Does anyone want to give me a job paying 50k a year working three days a week so I can get all the stuff on my website I want to do actually done?

Thursday, December 14, 2000

Why is it the trains areso pants? The first two trains at Slough were too busy to even think about getting on! It wasn't good.

Tuesday, December 12, 2000

Oh yeah who's your daddy!! I have beaten Microsoft! They tried to stop me from printing from DOS, but a quick search on Google and the 1st article was just what I wanted!!
WHy is it whenever I try to search for stuff on the Microsoft Knowledge Base for NT it only ever comes up with the NT Readme file or service pack bug fixes? Neither of which help me. I only want to get a DOS application to print to a NT printer - you can't captrue a port in NT like you can in 95. Arse!
I'm eating toast with Strawberry jam. Yum!

Monday, December 11, 2000

hehe. This is sad, but I have just found the website of the Law firm Erin Brockovitch works for! It's Masry Vititoe.
I'm listening to the Barbra Streisand Christmas Album! It's fab ... sounds like she's a bit high when doing Jingle Bells though!
Felt a bit miserable this morning, Dean has been down since Thursday and this morning I had to leave him at the flat and then he went home. Not a pleasent thing. Going to have to go home to a lonely bed and Karate Teddy tonight. :o(
Been to the gym today! The first time in about three weeks.