Friday, November 10, 2000

Well here I sit in our new office. It has ben a mad day and I've nearly shouted at a few people - but I didn't. Full story will eventually appear in my main journal.

Wednesday, November 08, 2000

Its in, its working and I'm using it! Thenew office Internet connection is now officially working and I can now relax! Phew!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2000

And my Monday evenings are going to be a lot quieter, infact so is my diary for the next few months now. Last night after rehersal at the Chorus the MD asked for a quick chat. Which essentially was so he could ask me "not to sing again". Oh well, I tried, I failed - but at least I know. I would have really liked to have been an active member but alas it was not meant to be. The universe has something bigger and better planned for me.
Will the madness never end? Yesterday I must have spent 30mins at my desk, no chance to check e-mail, no chance to catch up. But I managed to get a lot of the network wired up ready and BT have finished installing their line. The router should go in this afternoon and all should be hunky dory!!