Thursday, July 19, 2001
Good news!! ADSL at home is on the way shortly - this is v exciting. Also I have moved the webcam to a new server that will fix the problem with the image not uploading, and I intend to get officeCam working again before too long. Now if I could just have a week off to write a content management system for my journal I'd be a happy bunny!
Wednesday, July 18, 2001
My life as I knew it has come to an end. Kit kat have changed their wrappers - it just isn't right!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2001
Oooh just remembered, West Wing tonight, Popular tomorrow and Will & Grace friday! How fabulous is that?
Ooooh girlfriend, its raining out there - and not in a good way. I'm gonna get wet going home. Bugger!
You wouldnt think its the hieight of summer here now. It is very dark outside and very wet. Not good, not at all good.